May 13, 2015

The times they are a changin'

This poor little blog has sat here, all lonely and un-updated for quite some time.  I feel guilty.  Poor, sad thing.  My little family got quite busy.  We uprooted and moved.  There was some family stuff and now some health issues.

But right now, in the midst of health issues and an on-going need to lose weight and get healthier, is an opportune time to pick it back up.  So, here I am, making a commitment to write some posts and let people come along with us on our journey.

So what's been going on since that last post three years ago?  Well, first, this happened:

Prince Charming and I had a Fairy Tale Wedding at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

And then this happened:

Our kids have grown and we needed more space, the time was right to stop renting and buy a house.  We couldn't find one we liked, so we had one built for us.  We've been in it for six months now. 

So, what's up?  What's happening? Where are we going now?  Prince Charming and I are embarking on a mission to lose weight, eat better and get healthier.  We're dragging the kids along with us and the goal is to avoid deprivation and still eat well.  Recipes and adventures forthcoming!